
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

Have you ever restrung a beaded bracelet or necklace? We have. Many times. We now have a vast collection of different stretchy plastics in various thicknesses and strengths for different types of stones and metals.

This process of restringing one bead at a time can go a number of ways. It can become a type of meditation, where everything slows down, focusing on your breath, steadying your hands and fixating only on getting the string through the tiny opening in the bead. It can also be one of the most frustrating, time-consuming tasks. Shazbot! If you know, you know.

There’s one thing for certain, the process requires a lot of patience! Since patience is a virtue and a skill, we believe it’s worth the time and energy to practice being in the moment, doing one thing at a time. It’s good for the soul.

In the end, we think it’s always pays off PLUS you can pat yourself on the back for doing it yourself! #diy

XO, The Bloom TDL

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