
Are you a hugger? We are! A retirement home in New York decided to take this idea to a systematic level and implement a program called “Embraceable You.” The results came back with raving reviews! Patients who recieved 3 or more hugs reported being less depressed, could concentrate easier, slept better and had more energy throughout the day!

The university of North Carolina also conducted a study with 59 women and had some interesting results. They too found that hugging helped lower their stress throughout the day. Hugs can also gave their immune system a healthy boost and even showed lower heart rates and blood pressure.

A few good squeezes could lead to decreased depression: Studies show those of you who receive three or more hugs per day feel less depressed, have more energy, can concentrate easier and sleep better.

Intuitively, that may be why we’ve always been all about the HUG!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest)