
Have you ever been curious about the average amount of produce each person consumes per year? We have! So what we found is a flowchart of approximately what each person eats over 12 months. We have a wide variety of plants calculated by the amount each one produces and what most people would need to grow to satisfy that need.

Think about the last time you made a vegetable soup. Most of us might start out with a mirepoix, which is onion, carrots, celery cooked in oil or butter. It’s the base for the most fabulous tasting soups! So already, we need three types of vegetables, just to start, for one meal with leftovers. From there, we might add spinach, fresh peas, some type of squash and potatoes. Then some fresh herbs, juice of one lemon and some Celtic salt to finish. For one healthy meal, that’s quite a lot of produce. Realistically, it makes sense that this is a good example of what the average person needs for a year’s worth of meals.

Due to climate and elevation, some produce produces a bigger crop than other places. Greenhouses can solve a lot of those challenges! It’s something to think about. After all, it’s a way to eat seasonally, right from your own backyard, any time you want.

XO, The Bloom TDL

(image via pinterest)


Sitting down for a relaxing lunch at one of our favorite local eateries, we noticed the winds really had picked up today and there was a definite chill in the air. Although the sun is out, it’s still sweater weather with a puffer vest, at the least! As bundled up as we are, the minute the door opens, a blast of cold air enters the restaurant and all we can think of consuming is a hearty bowl of piping hot vegetable soup. Luckily, they offer a variety of freshly made soups every day, with French onion being their specialty. Did you know Julia Child’s secret ingredient to her famous French onion soup recipe is 1/2 cup white wine (or dry white vermouth) for 2 quarts of broth and add 3 tablespoons cognac at the end. That’s what knocks it out of the ballpark!

When the winds blow like today, we hope you’re inside somewhere cozy, enjoying a bowl of something warming for your body and soul too!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest)