
There is always space to bring in calm. Whether you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, something upset you or you might just be in a bad mood, coming back to your starting point of neutral is possible. It’s like shifting gears. Take a deep cleansing breath, then exhale. Once you’re there, let yourself just be in the moment, relaxing your gaze, softening the space above your eyebrows, right between your eyes and let the ground under your feet simply support you.

It’s there for you.

If need be, start again.

Keep finding your way back to it.


XO, The Bloom TDL

(image via pinterest)


Today was an absolutely beautiful day. You could feel the seasons changing and sense spring in the air! There was a gentle breeze that ushered in a sense of calm and tranquility that was so lovely. Some days feel nostalgic and today was one of those days! We welcome more of this weather and those soft breezy winds.

Hope you enjoyed your Friday too!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(image via pinterest)


We were on our way home today, just pulling up to the local drive-thru Starbucks window, for their newest, latest and greatest, Pistachio Cream cold brew, when an ever so gentle mild breeze swept across us, fluttering eyelashes and all, it was quite the pleasant surprise.

Looking up, we notice an oversized, magestic oak tree with its golden yellow leaves, softly blowing in the wind. In that moment, everything slowed down, closing our eyes to fully embrace this euphoric feeling and take it all in. This gentle gust of wind kissed our face to point out the undeniable beauty of the moment and to appreciate it. The feeling of it all was so nostalgic, remembering this time of year countless times before.

“Here’s your Pistachio cold brew,” said Rachel, one of the sweetest humans we’ve ever met. I mentioned this incredible breeze and she paused, smiled, closed her eyes and said, “I feel it too. My grandparents are from Virginia and they have weather like today.” The moment was like a gap in time, completely just being where we were, embracing the calm, stillness of this magical energy all around us.

It’s nearly impossible to replicate that feeling and exact sound from that special moment today, but we hope you’ll vibe to the sounds from the video we’ve included for your listening pleasure and enjoy listening to the wisdom of the wind.

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images/video via youtube naturesoundstv)


The sensation of feeling calm is commonly described as a state of peacefulness, quiet, and without worry. We felt that sense of calm while looking at these unique forms of architecture. They are from all over the world, but one of their common threads is their ability to surprise you with their “uncommonly good looks.” A new way of looking at something opens your imagination and your creative spirit.

It’s how something makes you feel that’s important to pay attention to. A sense of peace and tranquility is what comes to mind. We love it right here and hope you do too.

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest)