
We have discovered some of the most incredible deep fried bits of dough, with the exception of the famous Krispy Kreme, of course. If only for smell-o-vision!

These perfect gourmet doughnuts are all the rage with their perfect exterior crunch and tender moist cake inside. With too many elegany flavors to mention, we’re highlighting the top twelve for this week. They also use an organic, sustainable palm oil that gives the outside “crust” that unique texture.

We’ve tried the Butter and Salt, the gluten free Chocolate and the Old Fashion, not featured here. They delighted our tastebuds and elevated our outlook on a cleaner dessert. Although they are as delicious as they come, one cannot live on sweets alone. They are a treat every six months or so, talk about willpower!

So if you happen to be anywhere near a Sidecar doughnut location, give them a try, you won’t be dissapointed. We never are, unless regret sets in for not getting a few more of each!

Note: Call ahead to see what flavors are left for the day, they do tend to sell out.

XO, The Bloom TDL