
Photo by Megan (Markham) Bucknall on
Photo by Gustavo Fring on
Photo by Gratisography on

A very wise man once said, “Laugh three times a day, at minimum.” Ever since then, it’s been a daily habit for us, like brushing our teeth. Another very wise man said, “Smile at people and say hello. You never know what someone is going through.” Like laughing atleast three times a day, we make this another habit and the bonus is, 9 times out of 10 they smile back!

Enjoy your beautiful Saturday and we hope you find laughter and smiles along your way.

XO, The Bloom TDL


A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” -Amelia Earhart

We’re huge advocates of human kindness and understand how a small act of paying it forward can make someone’s day.

A study conducted by Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, psychology professor at University of California, Riverside, students were assigned to do five random acts of kindness per week for a period of six weeks. At the end of the study, the students’ levels of happiness had increased by 41.66 percent. Being kind had a profoundly positive effect on happiness.

This goes to show how vital being kind is, for yourself and others. We’re making a mission to spread kindness and joy everywhere we go! Join us if you like. We’d LOVE to hear your stories of either someone’s kindness towards you or vice versa!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(image via pinterest)


May this Christmas find you among those you love and cherish, sharing in the light and love of this season.

We are so grateful for each and everyone of you.

Merry Christmas🎅🎄❤️🌟!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(image via pinterest)


Love, the kind of love that is patient and kind, can move mountains. Nothing is impossible with that type of love. Acceptance of differences with no desire to change them. Loving them with your whole being and knowing those feelings are mutual.

Let the love you seek find you.

XO, The Bloom TDL

Our Featured Blogger { Maxima }

 maxima 1!
When we come across a blogger that not only inspires us, but elevates us as human beings, we know we’re onto someone extraordinarily unique!  So, we are highlighting our dear friend, Maxima as our featured blogger for the month in hopes that you will see the incredible artistry of this remarkable talent.
We are proud to present to you… Maxima!

What brought you WordPress?

WordPress is, with due respect to other blog services, in my opinion the best, this is supported by the fact that many, much attention has been paid to its clients, through technical assistance, and other forms of cooperation with the bloggers! Particularly fascinated me, that some calm and brilliant, and very wide range, high quality blogs. All in all, an excellent blog service and much more!
maxima 2
What inspires you?
The  beauty of the human soul and generosity of heart with people of good will.

What lessons have you learned in life that you would like to share?
Many things, but here briefly. Something related to the broad scope of the blog as a medium to make friends, writing a blog I realized the truth that I want to share with you, the blog and knows no boundaries, no physical or spiritual, the blog I have met many people of different fate, selfless giving, but also more received, he became a true friend to people, socialized with many. Had a bad experience and caution is certainly necessary, but the friends that I met writing my blog are real people, although virtual, are people of good heart and noble soul, and no way I’d changed, even for some real!
wrought iron

Your Brilliantly Deployed Kisses

Written: © Maxima

Your kisses brilliantly deployed,

And framed

Just don’t review width of


trodden paths

Range heart of the, Revisited

Bliss that – with no mercy

– Orchestra to be

Orchestra of the most engrossing

Instruments and sounds

That pushing aside the veil and shadow

The sources of our self-knowledge

He plays the most beautiful music of love

.. And all – signposts – absolutely

Lose their meaning

I love you

 This is my favorite poem…  
Written: © Maxima Electronic thoughts, 
Flowing in waves, So, am I bot?
I smile for the beautiful love that makes life worth living.
I cry for injustices that some bastards do to helpless women and innocent children.
I stretch in the morning, and brace the sunrise.
I cringe at night, for all wrongdoings and pray for forgiveness, before stars go nowhere in sight.
I cherish beautiful friends like you,  and curse those who mongers and make fun of you.
So, I am not a bot,  for in my heart, I cherish all of you!
We thank our guest blogger, Maxima, for the incredible energy and loving spirit to be our Featured Blogger of the month!
XO ~ Trèsors De Luxe

{ simple PLEASURES }

If you can, try to take 20 minutes a day to do something just for you: read a book, sip hot tea, breathe slowly and deeply or even meditate.  These precious moments are not only time well spent, but are rejuvenating and restoring to your soul.  It’s a gift you can give yourself. No one else can do it for you…

 xo ~ Tresors De Luxe



