Edible Candy Rings! { D.I.Y. }

These colorful and delicious candy rings are perfect for bridal showers or birthdays!

Arent’t these almost too pretty to eat?!?  We had to show you how easy it is to make these sparkly and vibrant candy jewels, and inpress your friends and family!  They’re a great addition to any birthday, holiday or celebration! Now, many of these rings were made by the Escriba bakery in Barcelona, Spain (escriba.es; to find an American source, e-mail the bakery at richard@escriba.es). But we created some of them — the two pink clusters and the “diamond” solitaires.

To make them yourself, follow these steps!

Rock-Candy Ring

Tools and Supplies

  • Pink or white gumball (each ring uses only half a gumball)
  • Scissors or sharp kitchen knife
  • Hot-glue gun
  • Ring blank with glue-on surface (tohoshoji-ny.com)
  • Dryden & Palmer cherry rock-candy crystals (rockcandy.com)
  • Multipurpose glue with a fine applicator tip (we used Deco Princess Multi Purpose Glue, tohoshoji-ny.com)

Basic How-To:

1. For each ring, cut a gumball in half with a sharp kitchen knife. Hot-glue the underside of a gumball half to a ring blank, and let the glue set.

2. Place some of the rock-candy crystals in a small, shallow disk. Apply the multipurpose glue to the gumball dome. Press the tacky surface into the rock crystals so some stick to the gumball. Then fill in any gaps by applying glue to the bottoms of crystals and setting them in place.

“Diamond” Solitaire Rings

Tools and Supplies

Basic How-To:

Apply a tiny drop of the glue to the underside of the cake jewel. Adhere it to the cup on the ring blank, and let the glue set.

“Pearl” Ring

Tools and Supplies

  • Light-pink gumball (each ring uses half a gumball)
  • Scissors or sharp kitchen knife
  • Ring blank with glue-on surface (FGR-D, $1.50 each; tohoshoji-ny.com)
  • Hot-glue gun
  • Pink sugar pearls (ours are from Fancy Flours, $6.50; fancyflours.com)
  • Multipurpose glue with a fine applicator tip (we used Deco Princess Multi Purpose Glue, $7; tohoshoji-ny.com)

Basic How-To

1. For each ring, cut a gumball in half with a sharp knife. Hot-glue the underside of a gumball half to a ring blank, and let the glue set.

2. Apply the multi-purpose glue to a small section on the top of the gumball dome, and adhere sugar pearls, sliding them tightly together. Hold them in place until the glue has mostly set. Repeat the process to cover other sections of the gumball.

We hope you’ll have just as much fun making these beautiful candy treasures as we did!

Luxury Everyone Can Afford! XO Trèsors De Luxe! www.tresorsdeluxe.com

11 thoughts on “Edible Candy Rings! { D.I.Y. }

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