
Whether you enjoy peppermint or not, you have to admit Williams Sonoma takes it seriously! From their iconic Peppermint Bark, to their beautifully colored Peppermint Snaps, in reusable clear glass jars by the way, to the latest and greatest Peppermint Bark coffee! If you’re not on Peppermint overload, you are a TRUE lover of this red and white confection!

Our top pick is their Peppermint Bark Paws! They’re crafted from custom-blended Guittard white and dark chocolate, and infused with double-distilled peppermint with crispy cocoa rice crisps added for a crunchy texture! If that wasn’t enough deliciousness, they add in little peppermint candy bits for the “cherry on top.”

We think a little goes a long with quality, as do these unique, perfectly sized, handcrafted holiday candies! During this time of year, we enjoy a few pieces with a cup of coffee unwinding after the day is through. Afterall, it is the holidays!

It’s fun to stroll through the shop and see for yourself what Williams Sonoma is doing these days. During Thanksgiving, they were brewing up their hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks, such a delight to smell those familiar holiday scents!

Here’s the fastest way to find everything seen here and more from their online stores!

Williams Sonoma

Happy Holidays!


Have a beautiful Wednesday!

XO, The Bloom TDL

{ Dark CHOCOLATE 101 }

While those heart-shaped boxes of milky, cream-filled bonbons don’t qualify, recent studies show that pure dark chocolate is actually really, really good for you! That doesn’t mean you should stack a massive supply next to the remote control and settle in for the winter, but wouldn’t that be FUN!?!  But in moderation, you can enjoy the glorious taste of dark chocolate guilt-free.


Appearance High-quality dark chocolate should have a high-gloss sheen, not a “bloomed” (blotchy, almost dusty) look.

Feel Because it starts to soften at about 97 degrees, good chocolate should melt in your hand.

Sound You should hear a solid snap when you crack off the corner of the bar, proof that it was tempered (or melted and cooled to the desired crystal structure) properly

Enjoy these irresistable selections…XO ~ Tresors De Luxe

( chocolate and jewelrywhat more does a girl really need?!?)

Dark chocolate truffles rolled in bittersweet cocoa…

Rich in antioxidants, it satisfies the deepest darkest cravings…