
No one needs to feel deprived when this appetizing dish is considered salad! These cubed fruits are loaded with antioxidants, fiber and flavor! Avocado, cucumber, tomato, watermelon and feta cheese are the main ingredients, however you can use any variation you like! Why wait for the weather to warm up before enjoying a beautiful “salad” like this?!

Note: Year round, farmers markets carry most of these fresh-from-the-farm ingredients.


For the salad squares:

  • 1 mini seedless watermelon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 oz. block feta cheese
  • fresh herbs, basil and mint

For the dressing:

  • 3 tablespoon olive oil
  • 3 tablespoon balsamic vinaigrette
  • 1 teaspoon fresh basil and mint freshly snipped
  • salt and cracked pepper to taste


For the dressing:

  • Whisk together olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and snipped herbs, until thoroughly mixed.

For the salad squares:

  • Cut salad ingredients in equal size square pieces. Arrange in 4 x 3 rows on individual serving plates. Garnish with snipped herbs. Drizzle with dressing.


XO, The Bloom TDL

(recipe susan randall: simple healthy kitchen with slight changes to our liking, she adds coriander seeds to the dressing and chives instead of mint, images via pinterest)

#001 Whole Living: Healthy Holiday TIP

This gallery contains 1 photo.

When faced with all the temptation of the holidays, we must remember that: 1.) We are human and 2.) Chocolate isn’t a dirty word! If you can keep those in mind, you can happily coast through this lifetime with a smile … Continue reading

{ Dark CHOCOLATE 101 }

While those heart-shaped boxes of milky, cream-filled bonbons don’t qualify, recent studies show that pure dark chocolate is actually really, really good for you! That doesn’t mean you should stack a massive supply next to the remote control and settle in for the winter, but wouldn’t that be FUN!?!  But in moderation, you can enjoy the glorious taste of dark chocolate guilt-free.


Appearance High-quality dark chocolate should have a high-gloss sheen, not a “bloomed” (blotchy, almost dusty) look.

Feel Because it starts to soften at about 97 degrees, good chocolate should melt in your hand.

Sound You should hear a solid snap when you crack off the corner of the bar, proof that it was tempered (or melted and cooled to the desired crystal structure) properly

Enjoy these irresistable selections…XO ~ Tresors De Luxe

( chocolate and jewelrywhat more does a girl really need?!?)

Dark chocolate truffles rolled in bittersweet cocoa…

Rich in antioxidants, it satisfies the deepest darkest cravings…