
In those early morning hours, when the house is completely still, no one is awake yet, and it’s just you and your favorite hot beverage, it’s pure BLISS.

The responsibilities of the day haven’t kicked in yet, so it’s just you and the peaceful quiet of the day. Those special moments are some of life’s most underrated simple pleasures.

Freshly made medium roast, almond milk with hazelnut stevia sweetener is what we’re currently sipping on. Enjoying every moment of it. Ahhh.

XO, The Bloom TDL

(image via pinterest)

breathing space…

This gallery contains 1 photo.

Try taking a deep breath right now, now exhale. Deep cleansing breaths are the quickest way to detox the body. Have a great “Tresors De Luxe” day! http://www.tresorsdeluxe.com http://www.tresorsdeluxe.wordpress.com Follow us on social media and our Tresors De Luxe Blog for exclusive sales, jewelry … Continue reading

present moments.

This gallery contains 1 photo.

  When we stop and take a moment to reflect on our day, we are propelled in to the present moment. This is were all the true “gifts” are. Stay in that moment and you’ll open yourself up to all … Continue reading

Summer { lounging }

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Summer offers up everything we want all on a silver platter…sunshine, surf, sand, and your fair share of icy treats!  Enjoy every minute you can of the long, lazy days of summer.  Investing in a few good beach chairs and … Continue reading

{ Dark CHOCOLATE 101 }

While those heart-shaped boxes of milky, cream-filled bonbons don’t qualify, recent studies show that pure dark chocolate is actually really, really good for you! That doesn’t mean you should stack a massive supply next to the remote control and settle in for the winter, but wouldn’t that be FUN!?!  But in moderation, you can enjoy the glorious taste of dark chocolate guilt-free.


Appearance High-quality dark chocolate should have a high-gloss sheen, not a “bloomed” (blotchy, almost dusty) look.

Feel Because it starts to soften at about 97 degrees, good chocolate should melt in your hand.

Sound You should hear a solid snap when you crack off the corner of the bar, proof that it was tempered (or melted and cooled to the desired crystal structure) properly

Enjoy these irresistable selections…XO ~ Tresors De Luxe

( chocolate and jewelrywhat more does a girl really need?!?)

Dark chocolate truffles rolled in bittersweet cocoa…

Rich in antioxidants, it satisfies the deepest darkest cravings…


{ Paris } Black + White

What’s She Looking At?

We’re lovers of black and white photography…here are a few of our recent favorites XO~ TDL~

Luggage Reflection

Outdoor Lanterns For Summer!

We’ve been counting down the days to summer, and we’re officially 15 days away!  One of our all time favorite ways to spend a leisure summer evening is with a refreshing homemade sparkling lemonade in hand,  the faint smell of bbq off in the distance, and to be surrounded by flickering summer lanterns!  Dusk is the perfect time to light these exotic ceramic, metal and glass candle holders up!

Here’s to many of these types of relaxed summer evenings for each of you…


Lanterns @ Dusk!

Metal and Glass Hanging Lanterns

Summer Wire Lanterns

Metal and Glass Indoor/Outdoor Lanterns

Cermamic & Glass Summer Lanterns

Villa La Banane, St. Barts ~ Inspiration For Your Own Home’s Decor!

la banane

In the heart of a coconut grove in St. Barts, La Banane is a chic and nostalgic haven set amid tropical surroundings…bright shades of yellow and red greet guests in the open-air lobby, which overlooks an iconic pool scene sprinkled with couples and celebs. Inside, pale blue and stark white walls are shaded behind Parisian blinds for ultimate privacy.  All the cottages are steps away from the vibrant indoor/outdoor bar, where fresh fruit or mojitos are served on one of the plush bar stools or funky wire-mesh chairs around the pool!  Think head-to-toe pampering in your bungalow. www.labanane.com

Notice the relaxed look of wicker chairs, light and bright color choices and shells-a-plenty!  Inspiration is abundant and everywhere you look…

Our stylist was inspired by the exotic feel and relaxed look of the Carribean and beyond when our Zanzabar Collection was conceived!  Take a look…http://www.tresorsdeluxe.com/apps/webstore/products/category/765993?page=1

Have a luxurious and treasure filled day ~ Trèsors De Luxe

leisure at it’s best…

their friendly parrot!
