
Chocolate for breakfast? Why not?! This delightful, unexpectedly easy sweet treat can be made and enjoyed with just a few simple ingredients. White chocolate chips, we prefer Ghirardelli Classic White Chips, plain Greek yogurt, dried strawberries, dried blueberries, dried raspberries, toasted granola and roasted pumpkin seeds are all you’ll need for this salty, sweet combination that’ll be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth, in a healthier way!

In a glass bowl, melt down 1 1/2 cups of white chocolate chips in a microwave. Place the glass bowl in the microwave for fifteen seconds, remove and stir the chocolate, place back in the microwave for another fifteen seconds, repeating until all chocolate is all melted. No more than one minute total. Add 1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt to the melted chocolate, stirring until completely mixed. On a sheet pan, place a layer of parchment paper down onto the pan. Pour the melted chocolate and yogurt mixture onto the pan, spreading it out flat, approximately 1/4 inch thick. Place sliced strawberries, blueberries, granola and the pumpkin seeds on top of the yougart mixture. We don’t list measurement for the toppings, add what you like, in the portion you prefer.

Cover baking pan with aluminum foil and place in the freezer for one hour. Once bark is solid, break into pieces and ENJOY!

Note: Milk or dark chocolate can replace the white chocolate, if you prefer. Also, fresh fruit can replace the dried fruit, if eaten within a day or two. 🍓🫐

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest)


There is no denying it, Himalayan salt is everywhere! From your local grocery stores spice counter, to accent lighting in day spas, and even entire rooms are designed around, you guessed it, salt. What makes these salt rock crystals so special and unique? To start, these crystals of salt have been mined from areas close to the Himalayas, often in Pakistan. The beautiful rosey color is derived from trace minerals, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

What we love about our salt lamps are the beautiful light emitted, reflecting a gentle, soothing soft color to any room. Being that the salt is heated from the light, some say there are benefits to them. We’ve seen rooms dedicated to only the use of carved out bricks of Himalayan salt for people who suffer from allergies, yet there is no real proven evidence of that. However, if you can appreciate the beauty, now that’s a great benefit right there! There is a relaxing feeling we experience being around the salt lamps so for us, it’s worth the small investment. They are great to fall asleep to and keep on during the day, as soft lighting throughout your home or office.

Fortunately, these salt lamps are available online, along with a variety of other Hilalayan salt items. We found a block of solid salt designed to place your cooked meats on, as the meat picks up the salt, it’s eaten off the slab. Now that we’d never seen before, very Top Chef. The possibilities are literally endless!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest)


Photo by Taryn Elliott on
Photo by Nicole Michalou on
Photo by Leeloo Thefirst on

Cookies, cookies and more cookies! How much fun would it be to do a cookie exchange?! It’s a great way to try new flavors, share unique treats, and bond with your fellow bakers. It could be a new tradition for you, your family and friends!

Like Julia Child, we think everything is better with butter. The real, organic, salted gold stuff. There’s not much else that compares or enhances the flavor of baked goods like real butter. There are many alternatives these days, some that bake really well. Coconut oil is one of them.

Whatever you choose, we hope they turn out absolutely delicious!

XO, The Bloom TDL


This gallery contains 5 photos.

As if a basic sheet cake wasn’t hard enough to resist, now they had to go ahead a layer it! How in the world are we expected to resist THIS?!?  Gluten free it is not, but let’s face it,  once in … Continue reading

“Skinnygirl Margarita” Bethenny Frankel’s New Talk Show!

Yesterday we were invited to attend the new “Bethenny” show on FOX 11 airing June 11th!  If the set looks familiar, it’s is…they film on the Ellen sound stage.  They’ve dolled it all up for her with a modern turquoise and grey ensemble! You may recognize her from the “Housewives of New York”, or “Bethenny Ever After” on Bravo…you might also recognize her from her Skinnygirl Margarita line of cocktails…they’re delish with a twist of lime!!!

We had an amazing time, and we’re so delighted to give her our “Calista” bracelet from our Athena Collection!

Skinnygirl Margarita’s Bethenny Frankel!

Wife. Mother. Friend. Author. Healthy Foods Chef. Entrepreneur. Talk Show Host. She does it all!!!

The Housewives of NYC with Andy Cohen BRAVO

Bethenny is a rare breed of women that tells it like it is, speaks her truth and is as authentic as they come!  With hard work , determination and an amazing business sense, Bethenny has made a  name for herself with her best-selling books, delicious cocktails, shape wear, skin care line, health foods and now her very own talk show!  She is a force to be reckoned with, and an inspiration for us here on a daily basis.

Be sure to catch her on June 11 on FOX 2pm PST!

Thank you Bethenny for being you! xx ~ Tresors De Luxe!