
If you love roasted vegetables like we do, you might want to give this fabulous recipe a try!

Were was this recipe when we were kids?!

Maple Roasted Carrots with Tahini Sauce


• 2 lbs carrots, cleaned and trimmed

• 1 small clove garlic, grated

• 1 tbsp parsley or cilantro, finely chopped

• 2 tbsp pomegranate


• 2 tbsp lemon juice

• 1 1/3 tbsp maple syrup

• 2 tbsp tahini

• 1 tsp white miso paste or soy sauce or tamari for gluten-free or salt

Oils & Vinegars

• 1 tbsp olive oil

Nuts & Seeds

• 2 tbsp chopped pistachios


• 2 tbsp water


Directions: Toss the carrots in the mixture of the oil and maple syrup, arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast in a preheated 400F/200C oven until tender, about 20-30 minutes, turning once in the middle. Mix the tahini, lemon juice, miso, maple syrup, garlic and enough water to get the sauce to the desired consistency.

Serve the carrots topped with the tahini sauce, pomegranate, pistachios and parsley and enjoy!

Option: Replace maple syrup with honey.

Enjoy your Sunday!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(image via pinterest; closet cooking; recipe by closet cooking)


Recently, we spoke to someone who expressed their concern about the lack of fresh produce at their grocery store this winter. With the cold weather we’ve had, just imagine how hard our farmers work to bring whatever fresh vegetables and fruits to market they can. So we thought, why not grow your favorite vegetables inside the comfort of your home?! With consideration for space, these inside veggie gardens are designed to grow vertically, keeping the plants elevated to reach the maximum light, keeping your counters clutter-free. Now, that’s our kind of garden!

All sorts of lettuce, aromatics, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and squash can fit, depending on the size of the containers. You don’t want to crowd the roots, so opting for a good-sized planter for larger plants is best. Finding the brightest space in your kitchen would be an ideal area to grow your vertical garden. You can make it fun by getting your family involved, as it’s a great weekend project!

Finding the vegetables and fruits you want to grow is the easiest part. Selecting the color planters that match your kitchen is important, as is choosing the hardware to hang it from is next. There are endless planters to choose from online and your local nurseries.

Once you get your favorite seeds planted, it won’t be long before you see little seedlings sprout, developing into plants you can enjoy and create beautiful, nutritious meals with, all at arms length from your own kitchen sink!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest)


Chocolate for breakfast? Why not?! This delightful, unexpectedly easy sweet treat can be made and enjoyed with just a few simple ingredients. White chocolate chips, we prefer Ghirardelli Classic White Chips, plain Greek yogurt, dried strawberries, dried blueberries, dried raspberries, toasted granola and roasted pumpkin seeds are all you’ll need for this salty, sweet combination that’ll be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth, in a healthier way!

In a glass bowl, melt down 1 1/2 cups of white chocolate chips in a microwave. Place the glass bowl in the microwave for fifteen seconds, remove and stir the chocolate, place back in the microwave for another fifteen seconds, repeating until all chocolate is all melted. No more than one minute total. Add 1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt to the melted chocolate, stirring until completely mixed. On a sheet pan, place a layer of parchment paper down onto the pan. Pour the melted chocolate and yogurt mixture onto the pan, spreading it out flat, approximately 1/4 inch thick. Place sliced strawberries, blueberries, granola and the pumpkin seeds on top of the yougart mixture. We don’t list measurement for the toppings, add what you like, in the portion you prefer.

Cover baking pan with aluminum foil and place in the freezer for one hour. Once bark is solid, break into pieces and ENJOY!

Note: Milk or dark chocolate can replace the white chocolate, if you prefer. Also, fresh fruit can replace the dried fruit, if eaten within a day or two. 🍓🫐

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest)


Did you know fruitcake has been around since ancient Roman times?!

It once included meat!

Modern fruitcake can be traced back to the Middle Ages!

In the 18th century, it was outlawed!

In the 1800s, people put it under their pillows!

It’s been served at special occasions for the British royal family.

Mail-order fruitcake hit the market in 1913.

It was once bought to the moon!

So, fruitcake didn’t actually begin as a holiday dessert. It was eaten by soldiers in ancient Roman times, and it’s served as cake at weddings of the British royal family. So how did it become associated with Christmas?! According to Smithsonian, the reason behind that is actually a mystery. Swiss Colony says that fruitcake is referenced in the Christmas carol “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” when they sing about “figgy pudding.” According to them, fruitcake was served to English Christmas carolers, which may be a reason it became SO popular for the holidays.

As for us, we love homemade fruitcake, fresh and warm out of the oven, with crème anglaise, it’s simply devine.

Happy Holidays! ☃️

XO, The Bloom TDL

DIY { Holiday Centerpieces }

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Let your creativity soar with the endless ideas of how to decorate your holiday table this season.  In additions to the ideas shown above, we LOVE  bowls of fresh fruit, beautiful ornate votive candles AND acorns and pinecones to scatter about! Accessorize your life! Peace, … Continue reading

#001 Whole Living: Healthy Holiday TIP

This gallery contains 1 photo.

When faced with all the temptation of the holidays, we must remember that: 1.) We are human and 2.) Chocolate isn’t a dirty word! If you can keep those in mind, you can happily coast through this lifetime with a smile … Continue reading

O.I.L. { holiday cookies }

fun xmas cookie chart!

We are O.I.L. (officially in love), overwhelmed and completely overjoyed to be so close to the holidays, one of the best time to bake up a storm!  Cookies and cakes, who are we kidding, all desserts should be their own food group! We’ve said this before and will say it again!  There is nothing more comforting than a home with the fireplace lit, holiday music on in the background the smell of freshly baked homemade cookies…woopie pies, checkered board cookies and peppermint meringues are a few of our favorite things!  Ahhh, so here’s to one of the most delicious time of the year… we hope you find a way to make is luxuriously delicious!

XO, TDL! www.tresorsdeluxe.com