
Who here likes fudge? We don’t like it, we love it! Especially the version we used to make, it was a special recipe handed down from generation to generation. But, it was loaded with sugar and heavy cream. Ahh, those were the days! Being that’s not the best choice anymore, we’ve found a healthier version. It’s vegan and gluten free! Replacing the traditional chocolate chips, we use cacao powder instead for some nutritional value. We prefer all organic ingredients, however if they’re not available, simply use what’s available at your local market. Here’s the recipe:


2 cups cocoa butter

1/2 cup pure maple syrup

1/2 cup all natural, creamy almond butter

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/8 teaspoon celtic salt

1 cup cacao powder


In a microwave safe bowl, melt your cocoa butter in the microwave, taking it out and stirring after each minute. Continue to whisk it until it is completely melted and smooth. You can also melt it on stove top, whisking it constantly.

Add the maple syrup, almond butter, and vanilla to the bowl. Whisk until smooth and completely combined. Add the celtic salt and cacao powder and whisk until completely smooth.

Pour the mixture into a 9×5 bread pan lined with parchment paper. Refridgerate for two hours. When fudge is completely hardened, pull the parchment paper up to remove it from the pan. Place on a cutting board and cut into 18 square pieces.

Note: It’s delicious with coffee!

XO, The Bloom TDL

(image via pinterest)


Chocolate for breakfast? Why not?! This delightful, unexpectedly easy sweet treat can be made and enjoyed with just a few simple ingredients. White chocolate chips, we prefer Ghirardelli Classic White Chips, plain Greek yogurt, dried strawberries, dried blueberries, dried raspberries, toasted granola and roasted pumpkin seeds are all you’ll need for this salty, sweet combination that’ll be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth, in a healthier way!

In a glass bowl, melt down 1 1/2 cups of white chocolate chips in a microwave. Place the glass bowl in the microwave for fifteen seconds, remove and stir the chocolate, place back in the microwave for another fifteen seconds, repeating until all chocolate is all melted. No more than one minute total. Add 1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt to the melted chocolate, stirring until completely mixed. On a sheet pan, place a layer of parchment paper down onto the pan. Pour the melted chocolate and yogurt mixture onto the pan, spreading it out flat, approximately 1/4 inch thick. Place sliced strawberries, blueberries, granola and the pumpkin seeds on top of the yougart mixture. We don’t list measurement for the toppings, add what you like, in the portion you prefer.

Cover baking pan with aluminum foil and place in the freezer for one hour. Once bark is solid, break into pieces and ENJOY!

Note: Milk or dark chocolate can replace the white chocolate, if you prefer. Also, fresh fruit can replace the dried fruit, if eaten within a day or two. 🍓🫐

XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest)


No one needs to feel deprived when this appetizing dish is considered salad! These cubed fruits are loaded with antioxidants, fiber and flavor! Avocado, cucumber, tomato, watermelon and feta cheese are the main ingredients, however you can use any variation you like! Why wait for the weather to warm up before enjoying a beautiful “salad” like this?!

Note: Year round, farmers markets carry most of these fresh-from-the-farm ingredients.


For the salad squares:

  • 1 mini seedless watermelon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 oz. block feta cheese
  • fresh herbs, basil and mint

For the dressing:

  • 3 tablespoon olive oil
  • 3 tablespoon balsamic vinaigrette
  • 1 teaspoon fresh basil and mint freshly snipped
  • salt and cracked pepper to taste


For the dressing:

  • Whisk together olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and snipped herbs, until thoroughly mixed.

For the salad squares:

  • Cut salad ingredients in equal size square pieces. Arrange in 4 x 3 rows on individual serving plates. Garnish with snipped herbs. Drizzle with dressing.


XO, The Bloom TDL

(recipe susan randall: simple healthy kitchen with slight changes to our liking, she adds coriander seeds to the dressing and chives instead of mint, images via pinterest)


Photo by Any Lane on

Since childhood, the fascination of sparkling beverages has mesmerized us. From the moment we pull upwards on the aluminum metal tab, piercing the can, instantly the fun starts! The popping sound, the fizz and the mist from the fizz is mouthwatering, knowing a delicious, cold, sparkling beverage is about to hit your tastebuds!

From ginger ale to the finest sparkling mineral water, these delightful effervescent beverages hold a very special place in our hearts and memories! As far as we’re concerned, a meal isn’t complete without a tall sparkling bottle of water on the table. With a fresh squeeze of lemon or lime, we’re set. Occasionally, a splash of pomegranate juice is refreshing with lots of ice, filling the glass with your sparkling beverage of your choice. Delish!

However you enjoy your water or sparkling beverage, we hope you’ll raise a glass tonight, responsibly, to ring in our new year! We’re excited about our iced, clear sparkling cherry soda with a splash of grenadine🍒!


XO, The Bloom TDL

(images via pinterest/pexels)